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Q-Box® R3leaf™

Sustainable flameless venting of dust explosions.

REMBE® Q-Box® R3leaf™
REMBE® R3leaf line
Made in Germany
Like its two previous models, the new Q-Box® R3leaf™ guarantees safe explosion venting in manned areas. The flames are instantly quenched inside the Q-Box® R3leaf™ by the high-efficient cooling effect. The Q-Box® R3leaf™ is designed for dust explosion-prone applications of low design strength and the need for large vent areas such as required for filters, dryers, sifters, elevators or silos. The Q-Box® R3leaf™ complements the product line of REMBE® flameless explosion venting devices as is it optimised in terms of performance and sustainability. Based on systematic development the venting efficiency the maximum protected volume as well as the KSt value could be improved significantly. Hence, less flameless explosion venting devices are required, especially for larger vessels.
The main focus during the development of the Q-Box® R3leaf™ was on sustainability and the following core question: How can we truly challenge the status ”Q(uo)“? Responsibility and respect for our natural resources drove us to develop the Q-Box® R3leaf™ entirely in stainless steel and dispensed with stains, paint, coatings or welded seams. This enables simplified recycling and significantly reduces the logistical effort. In other words, the semi-finished parts are supplied compact, space-saving and individually, and allow to be assembled at all REMBE® satellites worldwide. In total, the same amount of Q-Box® require less storage space, less mileage and cause less CO2 emissions.
The rectangular connection complements the dimensions of standard explosion vents, thus allowing it to be retrofitted to existing indoor and outdoor equipment. Q-Box® R3leaf™ is also suitable for outdoor application. Easy retrofitting: The dimensions of the Q-Box® R3leaf™ perfectly match the dimensions of REMBE® standard explosion vents.
REMBE® Q-Box® R3leaf™ cross section

Integrated REMBE® explosion vent

incl. signalling unit and pre-installed gasket

Stainless steel flame quenching element

with integrated pressure wave absorber
  • Proven reliability and safety in a new, more efficient and sustainable design.
  • Maximum process efficiency for the protected plant due to the flexible use.
  • Perfect protection for people, the environment and the plant.
  • Economical alternative to vent ducts.
  • Maximum reduction in TCO (total cost of ownership) thanks to low maintenance requirements.
  • Long service life due to increased corrosion resistance.
  • Sustainability through product design, logistics and maximum venting efficiency.
  • Easier recycling compared to painted steel.
  • No false activations.
REMBE® Q-Box® R3leaf™ Accessories

Sanitary Cover

protects the Q-Box® R3leaf™ against dust from outside sources.
The special stainless steel mesh filter inlet developed by REMBE® cools the hot flame gases extremely efficiently (up to 1.500 °C (2.732 °F). This reduces the volume of gas ejected and extinguishes the explosion.
More types


Perfect protection of the environment.
The Q-Box® is designed for plant components that are at risk of dust explosions, such as filters, elevators or silos with KSt-Values less than 200 bar × m/s and large explosion venting areas.
Technical data
Product parameters
Static response pressure Pstat
0,1 bar g
Process temperature
-30 °C to +180 °C
Ambient temperature
-40 °C to +60 °C
Dimensions *
305x610, 586x920
Housing material
stainless steel
KSt value
up to 300 bar × m/s
Dust explosion class
St 1, St 2
ATEX category
* Other dimensions in preparation.
Dimensions and weight
Dimension * wxdxh (mm) Weight
305x610 mm 592x689x533 ca. 45 kg
586x920 mm 1044x998x948 ca. 118 kg
360° sustainability
  • 90% 
    reduction of chemicals
  • 90% 
    reduction of transport + logistics
  • up to 90% 
    venting efficiency
  • up to 90% 
    reduction of carbon footprint
Applications + Industries
  • animal feed productions
  • aspiration plants
  • brewery
  • conveyors
  • destoners
  • elevators
  • filters
  • food
  • food production
  • mills and grinding plants
  • mixers
  • recycling
  • screens
  • silo
  • spray dryers
  • wood processing


Meets the requirements of NFPA 68

Meets the
requirements of NFPA 68

ATEX EC type examination certificate no. BVS 23 ATEX H 033 X

ATEX EC type
certificate no.
BVS 23 ATEX H 033 X

Certified in
accordance with

EN 16009
EN 14797

As the first sustainable flameless venting of dust explosions, the Q-Box® R3leaf™ combines the best of all three worlds in the flameless explosion venting family.

Click and drag image to view.

Scan the QR code with your iOS camera* to see an AR preview of the product.
Q Box R3leaf AR Viewer Ru
The dimensions shown may differ from those of the actual product.
* Requires iOS 13, iPadOS 13, ARCore 1.9 or higher.
Your contact person
I will be happy to advise you about the most suitable Protection systems for your plant. Individually, in detail and taking all relevant parameters into ­account.
Mariana Lottermann | Global Sales Explosion Safety
Consulting. Engineering. Products. Service.
REMBE® GmbH Safety+Control
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